Common Excuses

Common Excuses

"I don't have enough time for myself."

It's always important to remember to set apart some time for ourselves and make sure we are okay not just mentally, but in every aspect. But this is easier said than done! The beauty of a boudior shoot is that you are able to take a moment to breath, relax, and love yourself for a few hours. Think of all the energy you could save if you just stop comparing yourself to others, or stop worrying about what other people think. In this experience you get to see where true beauty comes from and that is it only defined by you.

"I'm not where I want to be weight wise/ I don't fit the media's idea of a good enough size."

Did you know that the "ideal" body type portrayed in most advertising only accounts for about 5% of American females? Why should you have to be a certain a ceratin size to love youself? Why should you have to have to fit some stranger's messed up idea of what perfect body is deserving of love? Why are you comparing yourself to everyone else when no 2 women are the same! It's great to have goals and to want to be healthy, but that doesn't mean you have to hate your body to do these things. You should love every inch of yourself and be proud of where you are and what lies ahead. Have a boudoir shoot to celebrate yourself and every beautiful inch of your body.

"I never feel sexy or sensual anymore so a boudior shoot must not be for me."

WRONG! This excuse is EXACTLY the reason you should do a boudoir shoot. We often lose touch with our femininity or sexuality when life goes crazy and things happen, but this is totally normal! A great way to find this side of ourselves again is to have a boudoir shoot done to fire up that spark. I can show you that you have what it takes, and it might even fire up that spark between you and your spouse (if you have one of course!)

"A boudoir shoot is an investment and I don't have all the money right now."

Yes, a boudoir shoot IS and investment. It's also an investment in yourself. You are investing in your well being and confidence as well. We do offer payment plans! Feel free to ask any questions about this if it is one of your concerns as we are here to help!


A Dream in a Flesh (Video)


Client Review